Somewhat belatedly, here’s what I plan and hope to do in 2018.
R Development
Early in 2018, I’d like to finish up a couple of ongoing open-source software projects:
- (DONE) Release janitor v 1.0. I have worked hard on this, it’s 99% done as of this writing, and I enjoy the benefits of the new
functions every day – but until it’s on CRAN, the impact is limited. - (DONE) Participate in Kaggle’s March Mania challenge, ideally updating my how-to resource.
Then perhaps a break would be healthy, during which I spend more of my free time away from code and the computer.
Making things
I used to build things. Including complex projects like my electric home brewery. I’ve fallen out of that. In 2018 I’d like to again build some small physical things:
- A keg washer like Colin’s (DONE)
I’d like to finish drafts and ideas I have accumulated. Including:
- My proposal for a Maple Road Bike Highway (DONE: The North Maple Cycle Track)
- Several cargo bike posts
- My process for lime-softening well water for homebrewing
I’ll probably get involved in campaigns given what a busy year it looks to be politically. Which means I should focus on other things before the fall.
I’m especially interested in the voting access and anti-gerrymandering ballot initiatives, the gubernatorial race, and of course Ann Arbor City Council.
To spread the joy of practical biking, I’d like to lend my cargo bike to at least 3 people/families this year.
Physical activity
- I hope to again log 1,200 miles on a bicycle. (DONE, 1232)
- I want to ride:
- To Dexter and back
- To Ypsi and back. (DONE 2x in July, including once with a kid on the back)
- And get both kids riding pedal bikes. (DONE and it’s beautiful)
Things I won’t do
Taking things off my plate to make room for others. A small example: I’m not entering the National Homebrew Competition this year. Perhaps I’ll keep vegetable gardening to a minimal level.
I’ve been taking a break from following Ann Arbor news, though that may change during election season.
And the best for last:
Expecting another child this summer is the biggest event of the year. But unlike resolutions and plans above, that one will by default get all the attention it needs.