Filed under “ideas I’d pursue if I had infinite time:” could I weld the metal wickets from old political yard signs into the bowl of a papasan chair? There are tons of signs rendered useless each election when a candidate loses or a proposal is decided. These are free or nearly-free, and indeed many are left by the side of the road to rust.
The thin metal rods bend well. I imagine giving them the proper curve, then welding a grid of them into a bowl shape. Welding is on my long-term to-learn list, perhaps in 2019. Would this be an easy trial project or a foolishly hard one? It would at least be low stakes.
I’m not sure what material the rods are. Galvanized steel? I’ve seen some of them rust. If galvanized, I gather additional safety precautions may be in order from zinc fumes that off-gas during welding.
Someday, perhaps. I wonder if it’s been tried, or what else people have made from this source of free metal rods.