Batch 76: All-Malt Lager
My batch numbers might be mixed up, I may or may not sort that out.
Brewing: brewed March 15th. OG 1.050. Big boilover, long cleanup, but everything went fine on the beer side.
It was an 18 gallon batch, two vessels of pale lager and a third that got an addition to make it a Dark American Lager. To make the dark share, I put a half-pound of crushed Carafa II (or III? See recipe/BCS book) in 2 quarts of hot water, steeped it like a big tea bag til it cooled, then added to fermenter.
Fermentation: fermented in 50F ambient cellar space. Pulled up to 64F for a diacetyl rest around 1.020 gravity, which was 5 days (CCYL lager yeast) and 7 days (single pack pitch of 34/70). Let sit around in 64F for a couple more weeks.
Packaging: kegged the CCYL batch on April 11th, it finished around 1.000 FG for a bit over 6% ABV.
Recipe and batch notes: